Interested in joining?
I am currently looking for undergraduate researchers interested in behavior, species interactions or social insects. For students with limited experience, I have several projects running concurrently with opportunities for training in field observations, behavioral manipulations, molecular techniques and/or bioinformatics. I am also looking for motivated students who would like to develop their own projects within the themes of my lab. For more information, please email me (sbengsto {@} with a short synopsis of your interests.
Interested in collaborating?
Forming collaborations has been one of the most rewarding aspects of this career, be it with undergraduate or graduate students, or with other researchers. I am always looking to form collaborations on topics of mutual interests, especially with those who have skills and training complementary to my own. Currently I am most interested in forming collaborations with behavioral genomicists and community ecologists, though I am always open other exciting new ideas. Please email me (sbengsto {@} if you are interested in working together.